Friday, December 22, 2006


Yeppers, thanks to Lissa I do not have to go hunting for the label. As soon as I read her comment I had a duh! moment. I do remember it being called Viva. Thank you Lissa :o)
I did finish the sleeves last night but I have no visual evidence (yet). We will be wrapping pressies here at the Pug Hut tonight and then heading out to my folks place tomorrow for the weekend. But we will be back on THE DAY to spend time with G's family, so I will be updating later in the week.
BTW, I have no idea why you cannot read my blog without "highlighting" it. Does anyone else have this problem? *sigh*
I hope everyone enjoys their holidays and has lots of time with their loved ones, loved wools and their beverage of choice.
Merry Christmas and be sure to cuddle with your furry friend(s).

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