Saturday, March 03, 2007

Two days in a row!!

Hot Damn!!
As promised, I have pics.
First up. I have proof of bandwagon jumping.

Jaywalkers. In Bernat Sox #40713 - Hot Tamale on US size 1 needles. By far the smallest needles I have ever used.

My attempt at a sweater. The Amelia Corset from Big Girl Knits to be exact. This puppy is done in Patons Canadiana #023 - Lilac. I am planning on this being a solid coloured sweater. The ribbing is done on US size 6 but I'm not sure which size to use for the upper portion. The pattern calls for size 10s but I'm not too sure that'll work with this yarn. We will see.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

1 comment:

Lis said...

I made Hot Tamale socks a while back on 4s. They're too big (go figure) but good bed socks. Awesome!