Thursday, February 02, 2006

Sigh...lost post


Just lost my post. Thankfully it was not overly long.

As I tried to say, Clappy is looking similar to her last pic with a few extra repeats. I am hoping to get to Section 4 soon as I am starting to tire of her mid-section. I have my fingers crossed that this may be accomplished today because I am at home sick *cough*.

And now for a puggie pic....

Pouncing for snow cookies....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was catching up on some of my knit blogs when I stumbled across yours and saw the cute pugs. I figured I'd stop in and say hello. I myself have a boston terrier/pug mix. I have some pictures of her up on my blog if you'd like to check them out. Love the colors of your Clapotis!