Saturday, January 28, 2006

Pics here are the promised Clapotis pics. I have the daylight, but I'm still figuring out this camera, so...excuses.
Anyhow, I continue to be pleasantly surprised by this pattern. It knits up fairly quickly and dropping those stitches is actually quite fun. I did have an "aww sh!t" moment Thursday night while watching the Sens beat the Habs. Zoe was in my lap while I was holding my circs, and bright ol' me decided to throw a ball for her. So she took off, and so did one end of the circs. I ended up dropping 20 some odd stitches. And let me just confess that I have ripped more projects because of dropped stitches than I care to admit. Why? Because I do not pick up stitches well. I am certainly getting practice though!
So after my nausea left I got to work and tried to salvage poor Clappy. G just kept looking at me out of the corner of his eye, trying not to miss the game, but fearful of the trip to the frog pond. I am proud to say I managed. There was the initial pick-up and realization that some fell further than one row (this is where I have the problems. I can do the 1 row drop, but if it goes further, not so much luck).
So I thought I got it and continued knitting. Then I saw it. The missed stitch. So close to the ladder of the pattern, I thought I may get away with it. It was one over, the twisted stitch. Damn it! So in essence I guess I created a new stitch while I was picking them up, because my number was right. I knit on, thinking all the while of how to fix it once I get there. And I did. I dropped the created stitch and somehow (incorrectly) picked-up the live stitch. It wasn't pretty, and G was worried, but held on to Zoe and I mustered my way through it and I think all is a-ok.
It still has the mistake but I'm going to leave it. I'll probably regret this when I drop the stitch in that area, but for now I remain blissfully unaware. After all, I am still a relatively new knitter. This is quite the adventurous pattern for cautious me.
Knock on wood.
Thank you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

No pics

Well things have been coasting. We had some wicked weather on Saturaday and of course, I had quite the drive to do. And someone attempted to steal our truck (or its contents). Sigh...not what I wanted to deal with. Well, for G to deal with. Oh well, nothing was taken, they didn't even get in, but I think it may have happened in our driveway. Grrr.
There was much sport watching the last few days (Football, Hockey, Election), and I'm glad to see that our Sens keep beating the Leafs :o) Consiquently, this means there was knitting time infront of the TV, so Clappy is moving right along. I do not have any pics yet because the lighting was so poor, but I hope to rectify that soon.
I also did some training for the Olympics so I think I'll be good to go. I am getting kinda excited which is probably why Clappy is growing at a fast (for me) rate. Hmmm...maybe I need some pressure in order to get certain projects out the door. I guess I would consider myself a process knitter because, clearly, I'm not in any kind of a hurry to finish most projects.
I guess I should wrap it up. I am at work but I have f*ck all to do, AGAIN! This is getting to be ridiculous. I need a vacation.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Causing problems

Here is Zoe, using Daddy's beer to help train for the Olympics.

So once again my Libra tendancies have reared their head. I have just left the poor Harlot a comment asking her to update my Olympic project to a Baby Afghan. While I would like to jump on the bandwagon and knit a Clapotis (finally), I think that this project should be next in line. The added bonus: I may actually finish it in time for the baby shower as opposed to after the wee one is born. So I think I will attempt a Basket Weave Afghan. The real challenge in this will be actually finishing it, not necessarily the pattern itself (I hope). In the few years the I have been knitting (off and on) I have really only started to seriously knit since we bought our first house. Even then, my projects have predominantly been scarves. I have done one baby afghan (It took forever. I was able to give it as a gift when the Mother came in to work to show him off for the first time). I have attempted my one sweater, but it has been languishing for years. The only real shaping I have done was for Zoe's first sweater. It flares a bit where I picked up the stitches, but Camo tutus are in right? Right?

Monday, January 16, 2006

Mixed Bag

So yes, I am kicking around. Once again I've been busy or without a camera. I'm still getting used to the idea of blogging (and frequently), so you'll (I'll?) have to forgive me for the infrequent updates.

I have been knitting. This is a blanket I made for Zoe...probably the quickest knit I've ever done. It's made from LB Jiffy Thick & Quick in Catskills on US 17 needles. Just a basic Garter stitch border and stockinette. As you can see, she loves to chew on it...maybe I should add some
I've also been working quite a bit on the burgundy afghan I've had as a WIP for 3 years or so...I'll post a pic of that next time.
And I've finally decided to see what all the fuss was about. This may become a Clapotis. Now I've yet to invest in a good quality fibre for it....yet. I'm going to call this a dry run since it involves some stitches I have not done before. But so far I think I'll be able to manage, and then I'll invest in the real stuff. I just think that once I knit with "good stuff" I'll become spoiled, and I am looking forward to it, but I'd like to use up some of my stash first. Here is a view of last night's progress...the third time 'round.

Below is a meme I've seen floating around the blogs which I thought I'd fill out, just to see where I'm at right now.

Four Jobs You Have Had In Your Life:
1. Ranch Hand 2. Burger King Assitant Manager 3. Chapters Gift Merchandiser 4. Maintenance Fee Clerk at a Patent & Trademark Firm (current)
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
1. X-Men (1 & 2) 2. Lord of the Rings (all) 3. Star Wars (all) 4. Sabrina
Four Places You Have Lived:
1. Marathon Village, ON 2. Kanata, ON 3. Downtown Ottawa, ON 4. Kanata, ON (again)
Four TV Shows You Love To Watch:
1. Bones 2. Survivorman 3. Family Guy 4. CSI: Las Vegas
Four Places You Have Been On Vacation:
1. PEI 2. Toronto, ON 3. Jaypeak, VT 4. Montreal, QC
4 Websites You Visit Daily:
1. CIPO 2. Bloglines 3. FitDay 4.
Four Of Your Favorite Foods:
1. Chocolate 2. Poutine 3. Spaghetti 4. Ice Cream
Four Places You Would Rather Be Right Now:
1. Home 2. An Island (South) 3. With my folks 4. Actually...I'm okay

Well okay is all relative, but hey...for once I'm not complaining.

***New comment (January 18, 2006). The above Clapotis has become a swatch...I just did something very brave/stupid. I signed up for the Olympics!!!! Canadian Clapotis team, here I come. What have I done??

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year

So I survived the holidays...thank goodness. I imposed a knitting deadline upon myself and I actually managed to make it with 24 hours to spare. Of course I did not manage to take any pictures, but they were 3 scarves. 3 skeins in Bernat Boa (Peacock), 2 skeins in Bernat Boa (Blue Jay) and 2 skeins of Bernat Eyelash (Funky). These were for the BF's SIL and 2 nieces. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but I started them at the beginning of December. So I am very happy they are finished, because the last few weeks I had taken to calling them the "damn scarf" etc.
I became very sick January 1, way to start the year. So I did not manage to start anything new. I did rip a half finished sweater in LB Thick & Quick which I am planning on starting over in a different size. I also started cleaning the "guest" room. I organized half the closet as my yarn closet with mags, yarn, etc. I'm very impressed. I absolutely HATE to clean, so this is a big deal, because I'm extremely lazy. But G and I have talked, and I have a vision for that room, so I'm plugging away at it (it is all my shit after all).I hoping to finish it soon so that we can get a comfy chair and I'll have a reading/knitting/craft room. Very Excited. Who needs an extra bed? That implies that we want company/guests...
I'll leave now with a pic of my wee one being kind to my yarn.
(hmmm...can't seem to put the pic anywhere but the beginning...I'll have to work on it).
Ooohh...think I got it ;o)